CORM membership is your front row ticket to participate in an active forum for optical radiation professionals to identify and discuss issues and problems of mutual interest and work together to develop solutions. CORM membership provides the opportunity to interact with your peers involved with optical radiation measurements. Membership also includes a subscription to ORN, confers voting privileges, ensures notification on CORM activities, provides a mechanism to express concerns and influence national priorities through participation in reports, questionnaires and presentations, and gives access to CORM workshops and reports.
CORM REPORTS presently serve as half of a dialogue between the measurement and instrumentation communities and the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) serving North America. To develop the recommendations contained within CORM REPORTS, CORM members and other individuals concerned with measurement of optical radiation are surveyed regarding the type of assistance they require in terms of documenting calibration and accuracy of their measurements. They are also prompted to identify new measurement methodologies in response to new light source or instrumentation technological developments, and to provide recommendations about certification, documentation or educational resources that might be needed.
As such, CORM REPORTS serve in part almost as a wish list on behalf of the industrial and academic photometry and radiometry communities regarding desired priorities of the NMIs, and they also serve as an action plan for industry societies and committees, recognizing that NMIs are severely constrained by limited resources, and that coordination among NMIs and industrial constituents can be powerful catalysts for action.
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CORM membership is open to any individual, society, organization or corporation interested in the field of optical radiation measurement. Its membership includes scientists and technical professionals from a wide range of manufacturing and industrial research laboratories, academic institutions, technical organizations, and government and National Metrology Institutes.
Complete the Contact Us form for membership consideration.