2009 Presentations

Workshop on Photometry and Colorimetry for Solid State Lighting - Sponsored by NIST

Overview of measurement standards for solid state lighting
- Yoshi Ohno

Fundamentals of colorimetry for SSL
- Wendy Davis

Measurement of SSL products and NVLAP accreditation
- Cameron Miller

Luminous flux and color measurement of high power LEDs
- Yuqin Zong

Session 1: Design of Integrating Spheres and Materials

A talk on integrating sphere coatings; what has and is being used, advantages and disadvantages 
- Art Springsteen, Avian Technologies

Integrating Sphere Coatings - A Historical Perspective
- Art Springsteen, Avian Technologies

UV Fluorescence Due to Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons 
- Ping-Shine Shaw

Session 2: Integrating Spheres and Applications:

Hemispherical-directional integrating sphere for high temperature reflectance factor measurement
- Leonard M. Hanssen, Alexander. V. Prokhorov, and Boris Wilthan, NIST

Imaging Sphere Measurement of Luminous Intensity, View Angle, and Scatter Distribution Functions
- Dr. Hubert Kostel, Radiant Imaging

A new integrating sphere design for spectral radiant flux determination of LEDs 
- P. Hanselaer, A. Keppens, Light and Lighting Laboratory

Theory and Application of an Alternate Method to Integrating Sphere Photometry Performance 
- Greg McKee, Labsphere

Forward Spectral Flux Standard Address Calibration Needs
- Dr Yang Wang, Jonathan Scheuch, LabsphereION

Off-axis integrating-sphere-based InGaAs radiometer
- H. W. Yoon, G. P. Eppeldauer, Y. Zong and T. C. Larason

Session 3: SSL Measurements, Standards and Applications

SSL Standards and Test Methods Development: The need for Industry and the Energy Star Driver 
- Eric Richman (PNNL-DOE)

2008 Summary Report on Testing Variability and Repeatability
- Mia Paget U.S. Department of Energy Solid-State Lighting CALiPER Program

IESNA standards on LED and SSL: LM-79, LM-80, and future standards
- Yoshi Ohno, NIST

Exploratory Report on Dimming of Solid-State Lighting Products
- Mia Paget U.S. Department of Energy Solid-State Lighting CALiPER Program

Selection and Characterization of Proficiency Test Artifacts for NVLAP Solid State Lighting Products Testing Accreditations 
- Cameron Miller, Vyacheslav Podobedov, Lawrence Knab, and Jon Crickenberge, NIST

NIST Spectrally Tunable Lighting Facility
- Wendy Davis, NIST

LED Life Prediction: Towards a General Approach
- Emil Radkov, GE Lumination

Simple Practical Method for Measurement of High-Power AC-driven LEDs 
- Yuqin Zong and Yoshi Ohno, NIST, Pei-Ting Chou, ITRI

Hemispherical-directional Integrating Sperhe for High Temperature Reflectance factor Measurement
- Leonard Hansesen, Alexander Prokhorov, Boris Wilthan. NIST

The Evaluation of Flicker in LED Luminaires
- Mike Grather (LTL)

Solid State Lighting Interconnects 
- Andy Jackson, Philips Lighting Company

Goniophotometry of LED Luminaires 
- Michael Grather, LTL

Characterization of Radiation Emitted from Dental Light-curing Units
- Fred Rueggeberg, Professor and Section Director, Dental Materials School of Dentistry